Join a Community Passionate about Advancing the Kingdom Revolution of Jesus Worldwide.

New here? We are so excited to welcome you into this community where people learn to live a meaningful, expansive life through Jesus. We hope to make it easy for you to get to know us, get plugged in, and feel at home.


Watch Online

Some people like to start by watching our teachings live online, which occur every Sunday at 9am and 11am. It’s an easy first step and a great way to get to know what Engedi is all about!

Of course, we’d be thrilled to see you in person at one of our campuses, too!


Attend in Person

Join us in person on Sundays!

9am & 11am at our Holland campus

9am & 11am, Engedi Español campus.

10am at our Grand Rapids campus.


Take Journey

Following Jesus is about more than just Sunday morning services. It’s an everyday journey for us all, and He created us to seek Him together in community. The best first step to getting plugged into community at Engedi is by taking our Journey Class.

A Community That You Can Count On

let’s get you connected

Our desire is for everyone at Engedi to feel connected and supported within our community and there are many ways to get involved.


Next Generation Ministries are here to cultivate and catalyze the next generation of enthusiastic disciples of Jesus Christ.


Small groups that meet to study, worship, serve, and share life with each other.


We offer a variety of classes to choose from for your personal growth.


Are you wanting to get involved and make a difference? We have just the opportunity for you. Check out the volunteer team descriptions and select your campus to apply!




Care for the poor and vulnerable as we extend compassion.


Acknowledge our journey with one another as we pursue authentic community.


Bless our world with servant-love as we share good news about Jesus.


Listen for God’s voice and learn from His Word as we follow Jesus with our whole lives.


Eat with others who are culturally different as we seek multicultural friendships.

Weekly Teachings

Your Generosity Makes an Impact

At Engedi, we believe that one way to worship God is by being generous with our finances.

Our heart is for the church to be a community where people learn to live a meaningful, expansive life through Jesus.
When we started Engedi, our hope was to help people come alive to God’s love and what He wants to do around the world. Since then, thousands of people of all ages and diverse cultural backgrounds have experienced God through Engedi’s ministries. As you learn more about our church, please know that we want to encourage you in whatever way we can. Our heart is the same today as it was when we launched: for the church to be a community where people learn to live a meaningful, expansive life through Jesus. That’s the kind of life we believe draws attention to God!