About Engedi Church
Our Beliefs
We're a Mission-Driven Church
God created us for wholeness in Him and meaningful connections with others. Our attempts to live without Him broke this dream, alienating us from God and each other. Jesus is the answer. He came to bring good news, free the oppressed, and set prisoners free—showing us life in God’s kingdom and restoring what was lost.
While full harmony awaits Jesus’ return, you can experience and share restoration now. Join us in advancing Jesus’ kingdom revolution worldwide.
• One God in three Persons, each fully God, in perfect community with one another
• Eternal, unchanging, all-knowing, and good; perfect in justice, beauty, and love
• At work saving, restoring, and guiding creation and the Church toward God’s kingdom.
• Who spoke all out of nothing and breathed life into man
• Who loves each of us with an unconditional and eternal love
• Protector of the unprotected and adoptive Father of all who trust in His Son
• Messiah, Lord, Savior and the fulfillment of Israel’s story and Scripture
• He suffered, died, was buried and rose triumphant over sin, death and Satan
• Ascended into heaven and seated at the right hand of the Father
• He will return to judge and establish God’s kingdom
• His life, mission, and teachings are the ultimate pattern for life
• Counselor, Teacher, Giver of gifts, Comforter, Helper, the one source of true worship
• Drawing us into God’s triune communion and transforming us into Christlikeness
• Uniting the Church for the glory of Christ
• A countercultural presence of God’s kingdom in this world Worshiping together, proclaiming the Good News, and bringing restoration to the world
• A fellowship of mutual love, life-sharing, and sacrifice
• Called to make disciples of every nation, and to teach them to love God and others
• Truth without error in its original form Communicating God’s mission and heart from creation to consummation
• Revealing that God is at work in this world in a people; Israel, the Church, the kingdom of God
• Our lamp and guide in faith and life, each book pointing to Christ
• In Christ, God became fully human to redeem us fully
• Through His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus took the just wrath of God in our place
• We died with Him; He died instead of us and for our benefit
• His death liberates us from sin and systemic evil, and justifies us
• God’s grace, through faith alone, brings healing; today in part and fully to come
• Resurrection hope while in this world and beyond this life
• The triumphant return of Christ and the resurrection of the body
• Bringing judgment; eternal separation from God or eternal life on the new earth
• The final establishment of the kingdom of God; of peace, justice, love, and holiness
• Where every tribe, tongue, and nation join together to worship God and enjoy Him forever!
Cable Practices
Live out an active Faith
We want to be a community that lives what we believe. These five practices serve as guidelines for a way of life that best helps us live in and share the kingdom of God.

CARE for the poor and vulnerable as we extend compassion.

ACKNOWLEDGE our journey with one another as we pursue authentic community.

BLESS our world with servant-love as we share good news about Jesus.

LISTEN for God's voice and learn from His Word as we follow Jesus with our whole lives.

EAT with others who are culturally different as we seek multicultural friendships.

Meet our lead pastors
When we started Engedi, our hope was to help people come alive to God’s love and what He wants to do around the world. Since then, thousands of people of all ages and diverse cultural backgrounds have experienced God through Engedi’s ministries. As you learn more about our church, please know that we want to encourage you in whatever way we can. Our heart is the same today as it was when we launched: for the church to be a community where people learn to live a meaningful, expansive life through Jesus. That’s the kind of life we believe draws attention to God!

Meet the Team
Take the next step With Journey
Journey all about how to grow spiritually, get connected at Engedi, and learn more about how to use your God-given talents for His kingdom.