Check out our on-demand class to learn about God’s purposes and how you can be on mission with Him locally and around the world.
Join with others in learning more about God’s desire to be known among the nations. Awaken is an 8-week study designed to stir your heart towards God’s global purposes.
Support Engedi’s global partners and workers by praying for their needs and specific requests.
Become a coach who helps people discern their call to go to the nations and prepares them to be sent.
Participate in providing ongoing care and support to those in the field for more than 1 year.
Interested in being sent short-term? Click below to check them out.
It’s normal to have questions. Here are some answers to get you started. For more information, please contact our team.
Let’s talk! Our team is here to help you discern God’s lead and take the best next step. Contact us at or fill out our interest form. In the meantime, we encourage you to share what you’re processing with your CABLE group leader and other trusted, Christian mentors and leaders in your life to begin praying with you and supporting you in this journey.
While all Christians are called to engage in God’s global mandate to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18), some are specifically called to take the message of the gospel to another culture. These are normal people who use their skills and gifts to share the love of Jesus and help establish churches in places where the need is urgent. The types of opportunities in missions vary widely and include roles in teaching, business, medicine, church planting, and much more. Your unique passions and abilities can be used to make a tremendous kingdom impact. Contact us at or fill out the interest form to talk with a member of our team about how your skills could be used globally.
Engedi’s sending process is broken down into five phases:
For those preparing to go mid-term (two months – two years), the process takes about four-six months. For those preparing to go long-term (two years or more), the process is about six-twelve months.