Kingdom Builders at Engedi Church
Are you ready to make a larger impact?

What is Kingdom Builders?
Have you ever felt a desire to step into something great? To make a larger impact on the world? Engedi Kingdom Builders is built of individuals and families that prayerfully commit to give over and above their tithes, to impact global missions, local outreach, and church planting.
We have a DIVERSE world with a BIG need and an even BIGGER God. And our God is calling all of those who feel a desire and stirring to help with this need. We at Engedi Church are answering the call! We not only want to partner with our community but also feel compelled to answer the call of Jesus to reach the entire world with the good news of the Gospel.
As Kingdom Builders, we raise up and send out those with a passion to be sent worldwide, and invest in organizations with a calling to make Christ-followers of all nations.

Our local partners help us engage the parts of our city that may be overlooked or vulnerable. By serving with them, we get to share the love of Jesus through relationships and demonstrate His love in tangible ways.

Engedi’s heart is to mobilize individuals and families to locations across the world with urgent spiritual and physical needs. We come alongside those sensing a call to go and walk with them closely through their sending journey, as well as support global organizations who support unreached countries.

Church Multiplication
Kingdom Builders funds the launch of regional church plants, as well as new Engedi campuses. Church plants are proven to be the most effective means of evangelism and discipleship. Each year, there is a trend of more churches closing than opening, and we want to fight against that statistic by supporting life-giving, Spirit-filled churches!
Check out stories happening through Kingdom Builders.
Steps to Give to Kingdom Builders
Choose the campus you regularly attend.
Select the Kingdom Builders fund.
Confirm your gift!
If you do not have a designated campus, choose Engedi Online.