January 6-26
Get Involved
Booklets will be passed out December 29 & January 5. These booklets are designed to set aside prayer time in the morning and evening every day.
Wednesday Prayer Hour
Every Wednesday during 21 Days, we will be hosting a Prayer Hour from 12pm-1pm at Engedi Church Holland Campus.
24 Hours of Prayer
We will be hosting 24 Hours of Prayer on Saturday, January 11, 18, and 25, from 9:00 AM Saturday to 9:00 AM Sunday. Sign up for an hour (or more) to pray in your own space during your selected time. We’re excited to see how God will move as we fast, pray, and seek His heart to start 2025.
Why Prayer and Fasting?
21 Days is about creating fresh space in our souls for the Holy Spirit to move. It’s about saying ‘no’ to a few good things so we can say ‘yes’ to something even better – more of Jesus.
“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8.12
21 Days Booklets
21 Days for Kids
Wanting to have your kids participate in 21 Days of Prayer and fasting?
Check out our Engedi Kids Prayer Booklet!