We continue our series You Asked For It, where we’ll look at the top questions asked by people outside the church. Last week we explored the question “How can we know there’s a God and what does science have to say about it?” This week we explored how Christianity can claim to be the right worldview.

If there’s one claim that modern culture believes is arrogant and narrow-minded, it’s the Christian claim that Jesus is the one and only way to God. The counter argument is to believe every religion on earth is describing a different aspect of an ultimate reality and they all eventually lead to God. At first, this inclusive perspective seems attractive. However, there are a number of significant problems with this position.

1. Inclusivism disrespects religious differences.

A quick study of world religions will reveal that they disagree with each other at the most fundamental levels. To say world religions are all different ways up the same mountain shows incredible disregard and disrespect for the differences that exist between worldviews.

2. Inclusivism feigns inclusivity while maintaining total exclusivity.

This perspective claims that its viewpoint is the only right one. Inclusivism believes it is the only perspective that can see the truth of reality. It pretends to be inclusive when it’s the most exclusive position of all.

3. Inclusivism contradicts itself.

Inclusivism claims there is no such thing as one right path and there is no such thing as absolute truth, but inclusivism fails to realize that that statement is a claim to absolute truth.

It’s one thing accept the idea that all worldviews are not equal and that Christianity could be the right one. It’s another thing to deal with the implications of that position. If Christianity is true, what does that mean for the millions of people who haven’t heard of Jesus? Are they condemned to an eternity apart from God based on not knowing about Jesus? Scripture speaks to us about these issues.

1. God placed everyone in their exact time and location not to prevent them from finding Him but to facilitate them finding Him (Acts 17.26–27).

There’s a note of hope that no matter where or when a person is born, they have a chance to find God.

2. God’s character is such that He will treat everyone in a just and fair way (Genesis 18.25).

We may not be able to know with certainty how God will work out out His salvation plan, but we can count on His character to be just and fair.

For Christians, God has made it perfectly clear that the normal way people come into an eternity-changing relationship with Him is when a Christ-follower tells them about Jesus. God is doing His part to transform the world, but He also invites us to make disciples of all nations, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.

Discussion Questions

  1. What do you believe about the claim that all roads lead to the same God?
  2. Is there anything about the claim “Jesus is the only way to God” that makes you uncomfortable?
  3. If you come from a non-Christian background, what was it about the gospel that challenged your worldview?
  4. The Unfinished conference is an opportunity to learn how we can best utilize our gifts and resources as we partner with God to change our neighborhood and world. What kind of teachings or support do you believe you need to be better equipped to make disciples of Christ?