The lives that followers of Jesus are called to live are anything but ordinary. That’s why we view our CABLE Practices as not only counter-cultural, but even revolutionary. For the next five weeks, we’ll take an in-depth look at the CABLE Practices that are so integral to who we are at Engedi, and so important as we advance Jesus’ kingdom revolution.

This week, we’re exploring the value represented by the fork and spoon icon: eating with those who are culturally different as we seek multicultural friendships. This is a value that marked Jesus’ ministry and should be a part of our lives too.

Read Acts 6.1–7.

Our Eat value acknowledges three things:

1. Cultural diversity sometimes creates friction (Acts 6.1)

Engaging with others that are culturally different isn’t always easy. If we’re not careful to examine our hearts, we can favor our own way of doing things while judging someone else’s approach without realizing it.

2. Cultural bias must be addressed intentionally (Acts 6.2–3)

Listening, learning, and acting on what we hear—especially from those who are culturally different—is part of addressing unconscious bias.

3. Living into Jesus’ vision for kingdom diversity produces a greater experience of the work of God (Acts 6.7)

The Church’s willingness to embrace diversity led to a far greater experience of the work of God in their lives and in the lives of those around them as the Gospel spread because of the commitment to being multicultural.

When we are willing to step into God’s vision for kingdom diversity, we will experience a greater work of God in our lives and be a greater witness to the world.

We’re called to advance the kingdom revolution of Jesus, and we can do that by being the kind of church that embraces people of all kinds of different backgrounds with love, humility, and grace.

Discussion Questions

  1. What does it look like for us to be as intentional as the early church was when it comes to addressing cultural bias?
  2. Have there been times when you’ve seen cultural bias in your friendships, school, church, or workplace? How was it addressed?
  3. What have you learned from others with views, attitudes, and perspectives that are different from your own?
  4. Why do you think diversity is such a hard issue to talk about?
  5. How can we—as a church and as individuals—better understand, respect, and value different cultures?